An impoverished woman lives on the streets of Los Angeles with her dog as her only companion. When an opportunity to improve her life appears she is forced to examine her understanding of humanity and make decisions that leave both their fates hanging in the balance.


SHORT | USA | 14min.

Kelly Pike is a Writer/Director based in Los Angeles and Houston. With a longstanding practice in Multi-Media Installation work, she began expanding her practice into filmmaking at the UCLA Graduate Film Program where she is currently in her final year. She recently received the Award of Directing Excellence from the Directors Guild of America (DGA) and her film, Owen, screened this summer at the Cannes Film Festival in the American Pavilion’s Emerging Filmmaker Showcase, where it was awarded the Best Student Short Film. She is currently in post-production on a Neo-Southern Gothic, feminist adaptation of Faulkner’s short story, A Rose for Emily, starring James Franco and Mariana Palka.




Actor: Casey Kramer
Writer/ Director/ Producer- Kelly Pike
DP- Jason Knutzen
Editors- Kelly Pike & Dana Turken
AD- Alisyn Ghivizhanni