A teen from a broken home falls through the cracks as parents move on with their lives.

SCREENING: Crowley Theater - FRI 7/15 - 5:45 PM


Katerina Gorshkov
is a writer and award-winning director based in Los Angeles. Katerina received her Master in Business Administration degree from The George Washington University in 2000. She proceeded to complete a Directing Program at the New York Film Academy and completed a few courses at the UCLA Extension. Her short film, “Rotten”, a moving tale about a broken home teenager struggling to find her place in the world, has received a Platinum Remi Award from the WorldFest Houston 2016 and a Best Short Film Director Award from the IFS Film Festival Los Angeles, 2016. Her first feature film “The Immaculate Heart” is set to be shot in 2017.


Lisa Paskel & Robert Peters